This is truly one of my favorite works of art. Hemingway’s writing is at its most mature and the setup of the story allows for the most powerful internal dialogue I have ever read.
Tchaikovsky called this “The Passionate Symphony”. It was the last composition he completed and he died 9 days after premiering it in Saint Petersburg. I have never experienced a more perfect piece of music than this.
“It will be…no surprise if this symphony is abused and unappreciated—that has happened before. But I definitely find it my very best, and in particular the most sincere of all my compositions. I love it as I have never loved any of my musical children.” – Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, 1893
David Gilmour on the guitar is something very special. And I think he best represented this on this song. As a song, and as a performance, this recording does something special and very rare.
This concerto is pure beauty. And this performance of it by Rubinstein, is particularly spectacular. It is a wonderful combination of writing and performance.
From the confusion of our world, to the struggles of making sense of it all, this movie represents the human experience so beautifully to me. And remember…
“Love is all, love is you. Because the sky is blue, it makes me cry.”
This writing stands out to me because it was one of the first works I read, that displayed proper thought process and debating. And to this day, it is a great reminder of being willing to change your opinion based on new evidence.
When I am feeling dull or uninspired, watching this powerful story of love and hate, brings about a sensitivity to things that need to be felt. This is Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe at their finest.
This is Hemingway telling a classic love story in his truly unique way. This is him writing about war and death.
Although not a common album to be someone’s favorite, to me, it represents who The Beatles were so well. From the Sgt. Pepper’s-esque title track, to Harrison’s fluid Blue Jay Way, to McCartney’s Penny Lane and Lennon’s All You Need is Love, what The Beatles did best is all here in beautiful form.
I don’t think I have ever read a better constructed and better told story than this. King keeps you brutally engaged for over 1,000 pages, and I loved it the whole ride. No movie has come close to doing this story justice. It is well worth the read.
This could easily be considered the greatest rock song ever recorded. And I would agree.
Popular novels often go unnoticed because they are on many required reading lists. The beauty of this novel should not be lost, and reading it feels like you are reading silk. And I am convinced that as I re-read this as I age, it will be more powerful for the time passed.
This is Tchaikovsky doing what he does best. It is powerful and lovely throughout.
From Led Zeppelin I to In Through the Out Door, Zeppelin hit it hard every time, and you felt it. This song is the last song, on their last album as a band. And until and through that end, it was great.
This is Zeppelin’s most finely crafted song in my opinion. The trip it takes you on and what I feel from it, stands out above all of their work as something very special.
No greater amount of story has been consolidated as Hemingway did in this short story. It is a great introduction to Hemingway, as it is a short 45 minute read, and by the end, you feel like you just read one of the greatest novels ever written.